Powertrain Modularity & Integration
Intelligent Power Modules with Integrated Sensors and OTP/OCP Circuits
The report details the results related to the design, fabrication and validation of the compact power modules, including active switches, gate drivers and auxiliary electronics, at a laboratory level conducted as part of the RHODaS project.
Electric Propulsion Researchers, Electrical Engineers, Electronic Suppliers and Manufacturers, EV Manufacturers, Power Electronic Engineers
Electric Propulsion Researchers, Electrical Engineers, Electronic Suppliers and Manufacturers, EV Manufacturers, Power Electronic Engineers
E-Volve Cluster, Electronic Components, Heavy-Duty Electric Transport, OTP/OCP Circuits, Power Converters, Power Modules, RHODaS, SiC and GaN Devices
E-Volve Cluster, Electronic Components, Heavy-Duty Electric Transport, OTP/OCP Circuits, Power Converters, Power Modules, RHODaS, SiC and GaN Devices
Rhodas deliverable, Zenodo