Thermal Management
Thermal Management System Strategies, Modelling and Simulation
This report provides a comprehensive overview of thermal management system strategies, modeling, and simulation within the RHODaS project.
Automotive R&D Teams, Control System Designers, HVAC Automotive Professionals, Researchers in Thermal Management, Simulation and Modelling Professionals, Thermal Systems Engineers
Automotive R&D Teams, Control System Designers, HVAC Automotive Professionals, Researchers in Thermal Management, Simulation and Modelling Professionals, Thermal Systems Engineers
Computational Fluid Dynamics, COMSOL Multiphysics, Cooling Systems, E-Volve Cluster, Finite Element Analysis, Heatsink Design, RHODaS, Thermal Interface, Thermal Management System
Computational Fluid Dynamics, COMSOL Multiphysics, Cooling Systems, E-Volve Cluster, Finite Element Analysis, Heatsink Design, RHODaS, Thermal Interface, Thermal Management System
Rhodas pdf file, Zenodo