Powertrain Modularity & Integration
Active Gate Drivers for High-Power, High-Frequency WBG devices
This document presents the analysis, development, and testing of advanced active gate drivers (AGD) for high-power, high-frequency wide bandgap (WBG) devices, specifically focusing on Gallium Nitride (GaN) transistors.
Academic Institutions, Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Electrical Engineering Students, Industrial Power Converter Designers, Power Electronic Engineers, Researchers in Semiconductor Technology
Academic Institutions, Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Electrical Engineering Students, Industrial Power Converter Designers, Power Electronic Engineers, Researchers in Semiconductor Technology
Active Gate Drivers, E-Volve Cluster, Gallium Nitride, High-Frequency Pulse Width Modulation, RHODaS, Silicon Carbide, Wide Bandgap Devices
Active Gate Drivers, E-Volve Cluster, Gallium Nitride, High-Frequency Pulse Width Modulation, RHODaS, Silicon Carbide, Wide Bandgap Devices
Rhodas deliverable